Dec 21, 2008

Into the Wild

Into the Wild is a very inspiring movie. There are so many classic lines are totally blown minds. I couldn’t stop thinking that, are we the natural spirits which have been trapped in the civilizations, society, certain human relations or any other kind of rules of life? What’s the purpose of life? I wonder how many people actually thought about this question, and how many wild dreams and soul have been covered under the day-to-day routine.

I couldn’t agree more that the core of man’s spirit comes from new experiences. People lock themselves in an empty place with money and work their ass off to get the so called “success”. Do they really have time to face themselves or to figure out what is the meaning of all this? If that’s all what you want, fine! Good job! But if it’s not, why should you go on this path only because it’s the normal way of life? Is there a normal way of life indeed? I want to see more of the world. Different people, different places… live in different kind of life with my partner, to share all the touching moments, beautiful scenes of nature and many of others which we might not able to imagine right now. That sounds like a rich life to me. As long as you have a brave heart, no matter how much money you have, you will get there.

I appeal the society stop pushing people to only one direction. Wealth is not the only thing in our life. We should care more about the inside, the moral soul, to free ourselves out of the false norm to the higher spiritual level, to find the comfort of your own, to do what your heart feel like doing. I believe there are always choices, the only thing matters is what you want. All kinds of possibilities are out there. If you want something in life, reach out the grab it.

Let’s go to somewhere left no one else but ourselves, to facing our true self, to feel strong, to clear our minds. Let’s jump out of the concrete and go into the wild.

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