Oct 26, 2008

The Bottle of Life

One day, a time management expert made a demonstration to a group of business students. It's so impressive that those student probably wouldn't forget of their life time.

In front of those talented young people, he said "let's do a test", then he put one wide mouthed bottle on the table. After, he took out a pile of fist-size rocks and put them one by one into the bottle carefully till the rock over the top. He asked: "Is the bottle full?" All the students answered:"Yes, it is." The expert asked again: "Really?" He took out a bucket of gravel under the table. He poured it into the bottle while patting the bottle wall. These gravel filled up the space between the rocks. "Is the bottle full now?" He asked again.

But this time some students started to understand, "Probably not," one student answered. "Very well!" the expert said. He took out a bucket of sand under the table and poured it into the bottle slowly. The sand filled up all the small gap between rocks and gravels. He asked the students again: "Is the bottle full now?" "No, it's not." the students answered loudly. Again, he said:"good!" Then he fetched a jug pouring the water into the bottle till the water even the top.

He headed up and asked: "What does this example mean?" One student spoke: "It tells us, no matter how tight your time table is, as long as you put effort, you can always do more things!" "No," the expert said, "That's not the its real meaning. This demo told us, if you don't put the big rocks first, then you could never put it into the bottle again. So, what are the rocks in your life? The time you spend with your lover, your religion, your education, dream, or same as mine--guiding others? You must deal those 'big rocks' first, otherwise, you could never do that for your whole life."

I couldn't stop thinking after I read this story. I try to ask myself this question: What are the 'big rocks' of my life? Am I focusing on the right things now or I've given too much weight to the gravels or sand or even water?

Have you asked yourself?

Missing You

There is something which is all the most beautiful memories installed in you mind. It is a kind of feeling, a sense of belonging makes you feel safe and warm. It is the only reason encourages you going forward. It is the craziness wakes up some part of you. It is so wonderful that nobody would say he could ever live without it.

I heard somebody call it LOVE.

Oct 23, 2008

Lost in Shanghai

I am wondering how many people actually know what they really want. In this world, people make crazy decisions because they are lost. My friends asked me what I want, I...hum...I want... I don't really know. So, I became one of those, or maybe I am always one of the lost ones.

Keep yourself focus on your final goal. Sure, I am so familiar with the lecture. Of coz I know what my ultimate goal is. It's a sweet end, a family, a family I build with my beloved. I am just confused about the path how I am gonna get there. The thing which is the most important to me, what I expect the most, I couldn't help to work on it alone.

Eliminate what you don't want. I always told my friends I might still don't know what I want, but at least i know what I don't want. Recently I asked myself, what you really don't want? I don't want confusions, I don't want complications. I don't want to be tripped by something or someone, I don't want negative influences. I don't want to be the one-side lover, I don't want to waste my time and youth. Does is help figuring out what I want? I found these two perspectives are quite irrelevant. What you want might not be at the direct opposite side of what you don't want.

And Shanghai, the fast changing city. Different people come and go passing by here, passing by you. The relations are complicated between people and people. It easily get you confused and lost. One of my friends said Shanghai eats lost souls. I don't know what exactly what it means, but kinda feel right. Too many things are going on here. You get curious, you want to know more, you have been sucked into that black whole. Oh, there is no damn easy way to get out. The more you straggle to get yourself out, the more you sink into it. Make you even more confused...

It might be the price for growing up, you need to forgo many things, temptations. Sometime it's painful. And you never know if it's the best you can possibly do or not. And there is no way back. I miss the time you can just go with the flow, enjoy everything you are doing right now and don't give a fucking damn. Maybe I gave myself too much pressure. I think too much about the things which out of my control.

So, head up and keep the faith. Enjoy the moment. Live like everyday is the end of world.